Top 8 LASIK Myths Debunked

Ever wished you had clear vision, free from contacts or prescription eyeglasses? Maybe you’ve considered Laser-assisted in situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) but are nervous about the procedure. There are many common myths regarding LASIK’s risks and potential complications, so let’s debunk those misconceptions

  • MYTH: I’m too old for LASIK!

FACT: Patients tend to be 18+, but there is not an upper age limit. There are some age-related eye complications that may hinder your eligibility for LASIK. If you’re curious about whether you’re eligible, take this quick, 5 question quiz to see if LASIK may be right for you. You’ll want to schedule an appointment with your ophthalmologist for further consultation regarding your specific situation pre-surgery too.

  • MYTH: LASIK is a new surgery, so its long-term effects haven’t been studied!

FACT: LASIK has been performed for nearly 30 years! Several studies have propagated the safety and effectiveness of this procedure, so don’t fret about totally unexpected side-effects years down the line. There are some potential side-effects that may occur later on, but the risk of those is minimal.

  • MYTH: I’m going to be in pain during the surgery!

FACT: The procedure is rarely accompanied by any pain for the patient, other than a slight pressure at the beginning of the surgery as the initial incision is performed. After the surgery, there may be some itching or discomfort for the first few days or weeks, which can be alleviated by eye drops.

  • MYTH: Only nearsighted patients can get LASIK!

FACT: Actually, advancements in LASIK technology can be used to treat a variety of eye problems, ranging from astigmatism to myopia. There are also a variety of alternatives to LASIK which can treat all sorts of refractive errors.

  • MYTH: I could go permanently blind because of LASIK!

FACT: There have never been any reports of blindness stemming from LASIK, and most side-effects tend to be mild and temporary. Since LASIK is a procedure aimed at reshaping the cornea of the eye, something would have to go seriously wrong on the part of your ophthalmologist’s part for you to go completely blind.

  • MYTH: LASIK is very expensive, I can’t afford it!

FACT: Most insurance policies don’t cover the cost of LASIK, but there are a variety of different financing options available to help with the price. Plus, as the technology has become more advanced and widespread, the cost has decreased over the years to be more affordable for everyone!

  • MYTH: I don’t have the time for full recovery from LASIK!

FACT: Eyesight improvement will generally be noted immediately after the procedure, although it may take 24-48 hours. Approximately 99% of patients are able to return to work and normal activities by the morning following the surgery. No eye patches, no stitches– just a couple of eye drops for around a week afterwards to help with dry eyes!

  • MYTH: I’ll never need eyeglasses or contacts again after I get LASIK!

FACT: LASIK doesn’t prevent natural eye aging, which means that after you turn 40 your vision may naturally begin to decline. You may need reading glasses or ones specific to driving at night, but for day-to-day tasks you will definitely notice improvement.

If you are thinning about LASIK surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Salisbury today!